Human&Technology - so that people don't stop thinking, make the most of the opportunities
brought by new technology, and not become its slave.
Because HUMAN is something MORE
The mission of the Humanites Institute is a conscious, self-awared, happy and socially sensitive person. By supporting the development of an individual and value leaders, we support the development of the society and social capital.
We want to create such environment at home, at work, at school, in the media, so that every person has space for developing their potential on the basis of healthy self-esteem, internal compass, love and social awareness.
We look at a human being and their development in key areas on the threshold of the digital revolution in a comprehensive manner: openness to learning, being curious of the world and people, emotional maturity, critical thinking, persistence, communicativeness, entrepreneurship, cooperation, sense of responsibility, sensitivity.
We pursue our mission following an African saying “You Need an Entire VILLAGE to Bring Up ONE CHILD” – one person.
All of us have our share in this by trying to become a better version of ourselves from the previous day.
We operate systemically on the basis of the Nonlinear Social Development Model we have created, initiating projects which constitute leverage for social change in four main areas of our “Village”: Family, Work, Education, World of Culture and Media.
Our activities are based on Coherent Leadership™ which assumes life in harmony with basic values, integration of professional and private life, and multidimensional development of a human being in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sphere.
Below, our goals for each of the four areas are presented:

Family is the first place which we derive life patterns from. Our activities in the area of Family have the goal of:
- building healthy and lasting family bonds in today’s busy world, which are the basis of identity and the human emotional maturity,
- bringing the awareness of the difference between the education focused on hard competencies and education concentrating on the development of a human‘s identity and his internal compass of values.
The Work environment is a place which strongly affects development of adults who, beyond work, are also parents and grandparents – the role models. The purpose of our activities in the work environment is:
- to build human-oriented business leadership which takes under consideration the multidimensional development of man’s personal and professional spheres, thus becoming a path to building committed teams of people and achieving economic goals,
- to inspire adults to be attentive parents, spouses and family members,
- to wisely integrate one’s private and professional life (work-life balance).
The Education System nowadays is where children and young people spend a great amount of their time on learning and among peers. The main objective of our activities in the area of education is to advocate the idea of schools which in collaboration with families and school’s milieu will not only prepare the young generation for passing tests but also for independent, responsible and socially sensitive life - to its full potential.
The Culture and Media have an enormous pattern-creating impact on people. Our activities in the area of the Culture and Media have a goal of:
- promoting value-based content which, we as Foundation believe, places the human being and his dignity in the center,
- inspiring the Media to increase the positive message instead of pursuing excitement and thrill,
- acting against indifference and bonds‘ crisis in today’s world.